Monday, January 11, 2010

Stats :)

Monday January 11, 2010

Original wt-- 267.6
January 11- 251.8
Lost this week- 5.6lbs*
Total lost- 15.8

* Note to self: I was sick this week-- this is not a normal wt loss. Don't be discouraged if you gain some of it back.

Good number- but I take it with a grain of salt cause I was sick all week. I will try hard to keep it off but know that I will likely either stay the same next week or have gained some of it back.

Food is fuel- I can't run or put out energy without fuel. It's about making wise choices for myself.

ps- I haven't had ANY allergens this year! This I am very proud of!

Down for the count

So I haven't blogged in almost a week. Cause I've been busy working out???? No, sadly cause I have been sound asleep or laying in bed sick for the last 6 days! GRRR!

I'm feeling better and hoping to hit the gym for a workout in the morning. Not planning on hitting it too hard, as I am tired easily- but I need to get back in the habit.

While I've been down for the count - I've been able to read some great stuff on running and training and helping overcome mental hurdles (something I know I do and will struggle with).

In an article about mind traps- runners world mentions two that I know are very much traps that I fall victim to.
1) The expectations trap: "Problems begin when our expectations exceed abilities." "To escape these expectations we must acknowledge that we alone create these expectations."
This is my fav part-- cause I struggle with having expectations and setting goals.
"This doesn't mean we should abandon our goals. But we should at least recognize that they are personally constructed dreams - not ideals. No laws or ethics decree that we must measure up to or we fail".

2) The comparison trap: "We compare ourselves to better runners and assume that faster times will make us happier. They won't and they can't. Someone else is always faster and worse- they might even train less than you-- but you have to be your own measure."

This goes back even to biblical times-- Soloman in Ecc states "I saw that all labor and all achievements spring from mans envy of his neighbor. This too is meaningless and chasing after the wind."

That's just it! I can set goals for myself-- and this year is about health. However it's not starting off the best. BUT that doesn't mean I failed. That doesn't mean I am less of a runner or person. That doesn't even mean I am not going to be in shape for my races.... it simply means I was a participant of LIFE! Just cause something happened or someone is faster or further than me doesn't mean I am less of a person-- it means I'm me! If I chase after such things I will be chasing the wind- my goal is to long after God. So I will strive to evaluate myself on my goals- and see them as created and not ideal- I will above all else strive to accept myself and my pace.

So tomorrow- I'm going to pick myself up- dust off and be the best me I can!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Progress-- 10 lbs total!

This weeks weigh in....... (drumroll)

THAT'S 10 lbs down!! I love it!

Thanks for keeping me accountable!

It's also official. I'm signed up and paid in full for the 1/2 marathon in October! CAN'T WAIT!

I can do it!

Moving right along...

I'm still doing good on my workouts and eating well. I was not feeling well yesterday but was encouraged by friends to run anyway (love how fb keeps me connected and allows my friends far away to keep me motivated). I did. I was tired. I was not feeling well (sluggish, blah). I headed up stairs and the gym was PACKED!! There it was-- one lonely treadmill waiting for me to pound on it. So I did. But not with the ferver I have every other time. What makes this different than times before? Lots of things. 1) before I would have just not gone 2) before I would have had a bad run and given up 3) before I would have beat myself up over it. I'm only journaling this cause it's a reminder to me that not every day is going to be great! I am a real human being. But it's OK!!

Last night I ended up with a fever (which I do't get) and today the same. I am home from work- but looking forward to tomorrow when I can and will hit the gym again.

I'm encouraged by progress. Feeling healthier. Breathing healthier. Eating healthier. I notice just a whole new outlook and energy. LOVE IT!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Thursday, Friday & Saturday workouts,

Thursday-- 1 hr on the elliptical, 45 min weights/stretching
Friday- 8 miles on the bike

My workouts are going well. I am really enjoying them and I am sleeping GREAT at night. I get discouraged with meals and snacks when I don't have the same routine (days off, weekends, etc). Something I will keep in mind going forward. I feel best when I eat every 3 hours, but when I have a whole day as a clean slate- I don't eat as well.

Trying to crank through all my remaining pictures that are still not done. Need to "un-deck" the halls. Meals are planned and food is bought for the week. This is good. Now time to focus, edit and head to the gym for my "long run" tonight.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

observations & standards

One thing I know in the back of my head is that I consistently compare myself to others. I have theories and "rules" made in my head about how they live and how things work in their world. As I travel this journey there are a few observations that I have already noticed about myself. I am trying to be aware when I find myself playing the comparison game.

1) I am constantly thinking about what I want to be like when I'm "skinny" (as if I could pick my body shape and size-- LOL-- don't I wish)

2) I had all these crazy standards and thoughts about what "skinny" people do at the gym & what it means to run. I am pleasantly surprised when I find out most people don't run super fast and or for very far. I am also reminding myself that not all "skinny" people work out casually- some really work out hard.

I note these things to remind myself that this journey won't end when I hit a magic number on the scale or slip into a lucky size pair of jeans. It's about health. It's about embracing who God made me to be and taking care of that body. I am not hear to "measure up" I am here to uncover the person Christy Kennedy and the gifts that I have to offer when I am fully able to embrace life.

Today I am reminded that I can't worship one god with my time and my mental games and another with my lips and some desires. If I try and make all things perfect I not only reject God but I get frustrated that he's not making things work. Look what Matthew 6:24-26 & 6:33-34 says

"You can't worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you'll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can't worship God and Money both.

If you decide for God, living a life of God-worship, it follows that you don't fuss about what's on the table at mealtimes or whether the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds."

"If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."

I do know God, and I do know how He works... He hasn't failed my yet. So why do I try so hard to do my own things??? I need to take pride in me (the me He created, not how I think is perfect) and so I can do the best that He wants for me.

I can't wait to see what all He chooses to uncover that I have tucked away or pushed aside.

Training workout 2: 12/30/2009

workout-- 5 min elliptical
3 min walking @ 3.4
1 min run 4.0
2 min walking @ 3.4
1 min run 4.0
2 min walking @ 3.4
2 min run 4.0
3 min walking @ 3.4
1 min run 4.0
2 min walking @ 3.4
1 min run 4.0
2 min walking @ 3.4
1 min run 4.0
2 min walking @ 3.4
1 min run 4.0
2 min walking @ 3.4
1 min run 4.0
2 min walking @ 3.4
1 min run 4.0
2 min walking @ 3.4

Walk remaining 18 min @ 3.4

Total 50 min on treadmill-- 2.82 miles


cheese sticks on way to gym

1 activia
2 tbsp pb
Taco soup
Fajita (2/3 cup rice, 3 oz chicken, 2 cups peppers and onions, sour cream, black rf beans)

Water & fiber/protein water, cf diet coke (cut the caffeine- working on the pop in general)

Loved my workout today-- but overall feeling very tired today. I am looking forward to getting good sleep tonight (haven't the last few nights) and really looking forward to my long run on Saturday.